NDepend.API Documentation
ExtensionMethodsProjection Class
NDepend.CodeModel Namespace : ExtensionMethodsProjection Class
Provides a set of extension methods to realize projection of a sequence of code elements to a sequence of children or parents code elements.
public static class ExtensionMethodsProjection 
All output sequences contain distinct code elements objects, even upon input sequence containing doublons code elements objects.
Sequences returned are ordered this way: all assemblies objects first (if any), then all namespaces objects (if any), then all types objects (if any), then all methods objects (if any), then all fields objects (if any).
Some OrderByHierarchy() and OrderByName() extension methods are also provided by this class to order result sequence differently if needed.
Inheritance Hierarchy



Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


ExtensionMethodsProjection Members
NDepend.CodeModel Namespace