NDepend.API Documentation
TargetFrameworkName Property (IAssembly)
NDepend.CodeModel Namespace > IAssembly Interface : TargetFrameworkName Property
Gets the target framework name (TFM) of the assembly.
string TargetFrameworkName {get;}
Returns a string such as 'net5.0', 'net5.0-windows', 'netcoreapp3.1', 'netstandard2.0', 'net462', 'net4x'.
Related documentation: https://github.com/dotnet/designs/blob/main/accepted/2020/net5/net5.md
The string "Not available" is returned for third-party assemblies. This is because the NDepend third-party assemblies resolution logic can differ in some situations from the CLR resolution logic and the value returned could be wrong.

Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


IAssembly Interface
IAssembly Members