NDepend.API Documentation
Level Property
NDepend.CodeModel Namespace > IUser Interface : Level Property
Gets a numeric nullable value indicating whether this assembly, namespace, type or method depends on a dependency cycle.
Nullable<ushort> Level {get;}
Level code metric description:
The Level value for a namespace is defined as follow:
Level metric definitions for assemblies, types and methods are inferred from the above definition. This metric has been first defined by John Lakos in his book Large-Scale C++ Software Design.

Recommendations: This metric helps objectively classify the assemblies, namespaces, types and methods as high level mid level or low level.
There is no particular recommendation for high or small values. This metric is also useful to discover dependency cycles in your application.


Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


IUser Interface
IUser Members