NDepend.API Documentation
GetDotNetProfileVersionsInstalled Method
NDepend.DotNet Namespace > IDotNetManager Interface : GetDotNetProfileVersionsInstalled Method
The .NET profile target.
Gets the versions installed on the machine, for the specified .NET profile.
IEnumerable<Version> GetDotNetProfileVersionsInstalled( 
   DotNetProfile dotNetProfile


The .NET profile target.

Return Value

A sequence a versions of the profile supported on the current machine.
An empty sequence if no version of dotNetProfile is installed on the current machine.
Versions are returned in decreased order, higher version installed first.
Notes that NDepend needs at least .NET framework v4.0 to run, so the returned version for the DotNetProfile.DotNetFramework profile must include v4.0 or above.
Only the version major and minor numbers are taken account.

Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


IDotNetManager Interface
IDotNetManager Members