NDepend.API Documentation
RelationalCohesion Property
NDepend.CodeModel Namespace > IAssembly Interface : RelationalCohesion Property
Gets a float numeric nullable value assessing this assembly child types average cohesion.
Nullable<float> RelationalCohesion {get;}

Property Value

null if this assembly is a third-party assembly.
Otherwise returns this assembly RelationalCohesion numeric value.
Let R be the number of types relationships that are internal to this assembly (i.e that do not connect to types outside the assembly).
Let N be the number of types within the assembly.
H = (R + 1)/ N. The extra 1 in the formula prevents H=0 when N=1.
The relational cohesion represents the relationship that this assembly has to all its types.

As classes inside an assembly should be strongly related, the cohesion should be high. On the other hand, too high values may indicate over-coupling.
A good range for RelationalCohesion is 1.5 to 4.0.
Hence, assemblies where RelationalCohesion < 1.5 or RelationalCohesion > 4.0 might be problematic.

Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


IAssembly Interface
IAssembly Members