NDepend.API Documentation
ComputeIssuesAndTrendMetrics Method
NDepend.Analysis Namespace > ExtensionMethodsProjectAnalysis Class : ComputeIssuesAndTrendMetrics Method
The analysis result on which to compute the issues.
The code query execution time-out duration.
A value that indicates if each issue in the returned NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object references the corresponding query execution NDepend.CodeQuery.RecordBase object.
The trend metrics values extracted from the project analysisResult.IAnalysisResult.AnalysisResultRef.IAnalysisResultRef.Project.
The just-my-code NDepend.CodeModel.ICodeBaseView object computed, against which rules have been executed.
A sequence of plain-english logs that represent all problems found while compiling and executing rules, and that can explain some unexpected issues state in the returned NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object.
This method compiles and runs all rules and trend metrics on analysisResult.IAnalysisResult.CodeBase and returns all issues in an NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object and returns also all trendMetricsValues.


The analysis result on which to compute the issues.
The code query execution time-out duration.
A value that indicates if each issue in the returned NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object references the corresponding query execution NDepend.CodeQuery.RecordBase object.
The trend metrics values extracted from the project analysisResult.IAnalysisResult.AnalysisResultRef.IAnalysisResultRef.Project.
The just-my-code NDepend.CodeModel.ICodeBaseView object computed, against which rules have been executed.
A sequence of plain-english logs that represent all problems found while compiling and executing rules, and that can explain some unexpected issues state in the returned NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object.
This method is optimized and takes account of the returned NDepend.Issue.IIssuesSet object to compute trend metrics. Hence this method is almost twice faster than calling first ComputeIssues(IAnalysisResult) and then LogTrendMetrics(IAnalysisResult,DateTime).
If you wish to log the obtained trendMetricsValues first call TryComputeLogLabel and then call LogTrendMetrics(IAnalysisResult,DateTime).
The rules are the active rules found in the project analysisResult.IAnalysisResult.AnalysisResultRef.IAnalysisResultRef.Project, the active rules in active rule file(s) referenced by this project, and the active rules found in analysisResult.IAnalysisResult.RulesExtractedFromCode.

The issues debt is computed and formatted against this project NDepend.Project.IProjectDebtSettings.

Before running the rules, this method also computes the just-my-code NDepend.CodeModel.ICodeBaseView from active code queries prefixed with notmycode, found in the same locations than the rules, and returns it through justMyCode .

Returned sequence of logs contains plain-english logs that represent all problems found while compiling and executing rules. This includes rules compilation / execution errors, rules that rely on code coverage not available, rules that relies on diff not available.

Target Platforms: Windows 11, 10, 8, 7 and Linux, MacOS with net8.0, net7.0 or net6.0 installed

See Also


ExtensionMethodsProjectAnalysis Class
ExtensionMethodsProjectAnalysis Members