What's new in NDepend v4.0

The biggest NDepend milestone ever!

Concerning the new CQLinq query language, I simply cannot overstate how much better it is to use than the old CQL queries. The NDepend team has done a tremendous job! I was able to solve my particular problem in no time, even though I started from scratch. I’m definitely going to buy the version 4 upgrade as soon as possible.

Spontaneous feedback from Carl-Johan Berg .NET Developer at AMF Sweden

CQLinq: Code Query and Rule over LINQ

Around 200 default queries and rules are provided when you create a new NDepend project. They are easy to read and easy to adapt to your need.

ndepend cqlinq rule as csharp linq query Polished CQLinq query and rule editor with:
  • CQLinq editor with code completion / intellisense
  • Integrated tooltip documentation
  • Live compile error description
Because your time is precious, CQLinq is very fast with around 100 queries compiled and executed per second. NDepend Code Query Edition with Intellisense and Documentation

Most of existing CQL default rules enhanced

NDepend.API and Power Tools

14 Open-Source Power Tools based on NDepend.API:

14 Open-Source Power Tools based on NDepend.API proposed

More than 60 new CQLinq default code rule

All CQLinq default rules