Purchase NDepend v2024.2.0

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NDepend v2024.2.0 for Developer

    NDepend for Developer is dedicated to developers that use NDepend interactive UI from:

    • the NDepend Visual Studio extension, supported Visual Studio versions: 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012 and 2010.
    • or through the VisualNDepend.exe standalone executable.

    It only runs on Windows. Each machine on which NDepend for Developer is activated, counts as a license seat.

    See NDepend interactive UI screenshots.

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NDepend v2024.2.0 for Build Machine

    NDepend for Build Machine is dedicated to Windows, Linux and Mac build servers and Continuous Integration (CI) servers that integrate NDepend analysis into their build processes and produce NDepend reports (see sample reports here).

    Each physical machine, each virtual machine (VM), each agent, on which NDepend for Build Machine is activated, counts as a license seat.

    NDepend for Build Machine is required to integrate NDepend into: SonarQube, TeamCity, Jenkins, AppVeyor, Bamboo.

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NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS Extension

    You can test the Azure DevOps / TFS Extension full-featured trial-version for 28 days from its marketplace page here.

    The NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS Extension lets run an NDepend analysis after each rebuild and explore results in an interactive dashboard embedded in the AzureDevOps / TFS dashboard. This Extension can also fail the build upon some Quality Gate(s) failure.

    The NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS Extension is sold per 5x users allowed to access the extension dashboard. Only users accessing the hub are counted. Let's precise that the NDepend analysis is triggered no matter if the user responsible for commit is allowed to access the extension dashboard or not.

    It is recommended to also order at least one Developer seat or one Build-Machine seat to customize all aspects of the analysis in NDepend project files (custom assemblies-set to analyze, custom rules-set...).

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NDepend GitHub Action

    You can test the GitHub Action full-featured trial-version for 28 days (see details here)

    The GitHub Action lets run an NDepend analysis after each rebuild and explore results in a shared interactive HTML+js report. This Action can also fail the build upon some Quality Gate(s) failure and provide Build Summary.

    With a Developer license, the standalone app VisualNDepend.exe or the NDepend Visual Studio extension can be used to explore the result in details.

    The GitHub Action is sold per 5x users triggering the action. Only users triggering the action are counted.

    It is recommended to also order at least one Developer seat to customize all aspects of the analysis in NDepend project files (custom assemblies-set to analyze, custom rules-set...) and to explore details of the GitHub Action analysis result.

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Benefit from renew discount, volume discount and
multi-year subscription discount. Discounts are cumulative.

More on renewal and discount policy

Read the End User License Agreement here

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NDepend v2024.2.0 for Developer

NDepend for Developer is dedicated to developers that use NDepend interactive UI from:

  • the NDepend Visual Studio extension, supported VS versions: 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012 and 2010.
  • or through the VisualNDepend.exe standalone executable.

It only runs on Windows. Each machine on which NDepend for Developer is activated, counts as a license seat.

See NDepend interactive UI screenshots here.

NDepend v2024.2.0 for Build Machine

NDepend for Build Machine is dedicated to Windows, Linux and Mac build servers and Continuous Integration (CI) servers that integrate NDepend analysis into their build processes and produce NDepend reports (see sample reports here).

Each physical machine, each virtual machine (VM), each agent, on which NDepend for Build Machine is activated, counts as a license seat.

NDepend for Build Machine is required to integrate NDepend into: SonarQube, TeamCity, Jenkins, AppVeyor, Bamboo.

NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS extension

The NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS Extension lets run an NDepend analysis after each rebuild and explore results in an interactive dashboard embedded in the AzureDevOps / TFS dashboard. This Extension can also fail the build upon some Quality Gate(s) failure.

The NDepend Azure DevOps / TFS Extension is sold per 5x users allowed to access the extension dashboard. Only users accessing the hub are counted. Let's precise that the NDepend analysis is triggered no matter if the user responsible for commit is allowed to access the extension dashboard or not.

You can test the Azure DevOps / TFS Extension full-featured trial-version for 28 days from its marketplace page here.

NDepend GitHub Action

The GitHub Action lets run an NDepend analysis after each rebuild and explore results in a shared interactive HTML+js report. This Action can also fail the build upon some Quality Gate(s) failure.

With a Developer license, the standalone app VisualNDepend.exe or the NDepend Visual Studio extension can be used to explore the result in more details.

The GitHub Action is sold per 5x users triggering the action. Only users triggering the action are counted.

You can test the GitHub Action full-featured trial-version for 28 days, see details here.

Features Matrix

Developer Edition Build Machine Edition Azure DevOps / TFS Edition GitHub Action

Visual Studio Integration and standalone app VisualNDepend.exe

Integration in Visual Studio 2022, 2019, 2017, 2015, 2013, 2012 and 2010 (see screenshots of NDepend within Visual Studio here)

Quality Gates and Rules validation within Visual Studio, before commit

Interactive Dependency Graph

Interactive Dependency Matrix

Interactive Metrics Visualization through Treemaping

Manual Report Production
with up to 15 source files listed in the report
(see some sample reports here)


Build Process Integration and Reporting

Automatic Report Production through
(see some sample reports here).
Unlimited number of source files listed in report.

Build Fail: The build can be aborted upon some NDepend Quality Gates failure.

Integration into the Build Process with Jenkins, AppVeyor, Bamboo, TeamCity, SonarQube.

Automatic Project Creation through
NDepend.Console.exe /CreateProject.

Running an Analysis from Power Tools and NDepend.API.


Integration with Azure DevOps and TFS. (marketplace extension page)

Cloud Code Quality integrated within Azure DevOps, no need for VPS hosting (Virtual Private Server).

Azure DevOps Build Fail: The build can be aborted upon some NDepend Quality Gates failure.


GitHub Action.

Run an NDepend analysis after each rebuild and explore results in a shared interactive HTML+js report (see some sample reports here).

GitHub Build Fail: The build can be aborted upon some NDepend Quality Gates failure.

With a Developer license, the standalone app VisualNDepend.exe or the NDepend Visual Studio extension can be used to fetch result from GitHub and explore it in details.


Project, Rule and Code Query Customization

Facilities to Create and Customize NDepend Project

Write Custom Rules and Queries and edit default ones.

Rich code search by generating code queries

Usage of Power Tools and NDepend.API
(except Running an Analysis)

✓ ✓

Common Features

Analysis run that scans any Visual Studio solution and any .NET assembly

Dashboard in UI ; in Report ; in Azure DevOps / TFS

Smart Technical Debt Estimation

Quality Gates validation

Comparison against a Baseline

Import of Test Coverage Data from Visual Studio Coverage, OpenCover, dotCover or NCover

Run Default and Custom Code Rules and Queries
Trend Metrics and Trend Charts

Issues suppression

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
When to expect my license(s)?

After your order is complete, you will receive two separate e-mails:

  • A confirmation email from Bluesnap, sent a few minutes after you placed your order.
  • A license email with your license key.

    The license email is sent from a few minutes to a few hours after you place your order, the time it takes to validate the payment information.

Note: To avoid delay, please verify that the anti-spam of your email address(es) provided during the ordering process will accept our license email.
The license email is sent from support@ndepend.com with the subject NDepend Developer Professional License or NDepend Build Machine Professional License with your license key and instructions on how to download, install and register the product.

What if I am not allowed to pay online?

If your company policy doesn't support online payment, you can still pay through bank wire transfer. To do so, please contact us at sales@ndepend.com

If possible, it is strongly recommended to pay through our Bluesnap online secure store because:

  • Bluesnap processes most transactions in just an hour or less.
  • Your license mail will be sent automatically as soon as the transaction has been processed by Bluesnap.
  • Bluesnap will process automatically invoicing.
On the other hand:
  • Paying through bank wire transfer will take around 5 business days until we receive your payment on our company bank account and emit your NDepend professional license(s).
  • Your engineers will have to wait this delay before using NDepend.
  • Licensing and invoicing will be processed manually.

How to order as a Reseller?

If you are a reseller and wish to purchase NDepend licensing for a customer, please send an e-mail to sales@ndepend.com for more information on how to proceed.

If the customer wishes to renew one or several license key(s), before contacting us, please make sure the customer provided you with the license key(s) to renew.
Then we'll explain you how to renew the license key(s).

If the customer cannot find the license key(s) to renew, tell him/her that:

NDepend license key is made of 9 characters in the range 0-9 and A-Z (case sensitive). The license key can be found in any of these locations:
  • VisualNDepend > Help menu > About NDepend > 'The product is licensed to'
  • VisualStudio > NDepend menu > Help menu > About NDepend > 'The product is licensed to'
  • The license email that you received when you purchased NDepend.