Important: Since version 2021.2 the TFS 2013 integration is not provided anymore. We now invest our development resources in our advanced Azure DevOps / TFS extension.

Integrate NDepend with TFS 2013

  • To run the TFS NDepend plugin on a machine NDepend must be activated on it first.

    To do so, once NDepend files are unzipped on the machine, just run from a command window NDepend.Console.exe /RegEval to start evaluation or NDepend.Console.exe /RegLic XYZ to register a seat of the Build-Machine license with key XYZ.

    If the machine is not connected to internet, a simple offline activation procedure will be proposed instead, and must be fulfilled in order to run the SonarQube NDepend plugin.

    Notice that the same Windows user must be used for activating thought VisualNDepend.exe, and for running the TFS NDepend activities.

Deploy the NDepend TFS plugin

To deploy on TFS version 20XX (TFS2013 supported for now, TFS2015 not supported, TFS2017+ and Azure DevOps supported see more here), in the directory $NDependInstallationDirectory$\Integration\TFS\TFS20XX start the executable NDepend.TFS20XX.Deploy.exe. The UI below is shown. You just need to connect to the Team Projects Collection on which you wish to deploy the NDepend TFS plugin, select the controller(s), and eventually customize the paths where the NDepend assemblies and Build template will be deployed on the server.

Notice that 2 templates are provided, to handle both TFVC (TFS Version Control) and Git scenarios.

Note: Custom activities for your Build Process Template must be stored in TFVC, they cannot be stored in a Git Repository. You will not be able to deploy if none of the projects you selected use TFVC as source control repository.
ndepend tfs integration deploy the ndepend plugin

On each TFS Build Agent, you need to unzip the NDepend redistributable files in a defined directory, like C:\NDepend\v6 for example.

  • For trial usage, run once VisualNDepend.exe to start your trial period on the machine.
  • For pro usage, make sure to install the NDepend files with the build machine license file.

CAUTION: You must make sure that the NDepend version installed on the build machine is the same version than the one deployed through NDepend.TFS20XX.Deploy.exe. Else it won't work. To check the version of an assembly you can for example, hover with the mouse the assembly in the Windows Explorer, and wait until a tooltip appears, that shows the assembly version.

Integrate the NDepend analysis into your TFS Build Definition

To get started, use the NDepend build template (here NDepend_TfvcTemplate.12.EN.xaml same procedure applies for the Git template). In the Build Process definition window, in the Process tab, there are several sections concerning the NDepend plugin.

Note: The default configuration of the template assumes that you will build one Configuration and that you will be using the SingleFolder option for the Output Location. NDepend works best when your build is configured to generate full debug information, as such we recommend you select the "Debug" configuration to build. To load assemblies from a specific folder, edit the NDepend Assemblies Folder item. It supports wildcards (?, *, **) similarly to the way test assemblies are defined. Examples:
.\ (Default) Loads the assemblies from the Binaries directory. Works well when building with [Output Location: Singlefolder] specified an building a single configuration.
.\*\ Loads the assemblies from each subfolder of the Binaries directory. Works well when building with [Ouput Location: Per Project] specified.
.\Debug\ Loads the assemblies from the Debug configuration under the Binaries directory. Works well when building with multiple configurations and [Output Location: SingleFolder] specified.
.\*\Debug\ Loads the assemblies from the Debug configuration fo each solution under the Binaries directory. Works well when building with multiple configurations and [Output Location: PerProject] specified.
.\**\ Loads the assemblies from any folder under the Binaries directory recursively.
  • Assign the absolute path to the directory where NDepend is installed on the machine (see previous section) to the field NDepend installation path on build agent. Notice that if this field value gets changed, the Visual Studio Team Foundation Build Service Host 2013 windows service will need to be restarted in order to take effect. This is because NDepend assemblies are then already loaded in memory and this value is not read until the build service gets restarted.
  • Assign the server file path (starting with "$/" for TFVC and "\" for Git) of the NDepend project file (extension .ndproj), to the field Server path to .ndproj.

Set the various thresholds concerning rules (and critical rules) number of violations, to emit a build warning or error upon NDepend rules execution result.

ndepend tfs integration customize process tab

Make sure to use the option Build Defaults > copy build output to specified drop folder (UNC path). Doing so will make the report link work from both:

  • the Build Summary Window (in Visual Studio), section NDepend Analyze Results, line To consult NDepend report click here. (see section Build Summary and Logs)
  • and from from the TFS Web Access (see section Web Access Extension)

ndepend tfs integration build defaults tab

Define the Baseline for Comparison

If you want to use the Diff features of NDepend (including rules on diff, or filter recent violations only) you can assign a past TFS Build to the field NDepend analysis baseline for comparison. Once the baseline build is selected, a message box will propose to flag the selected build as Retain Indefinitely to avoid this build being deleted according to retention policies. This would obviously break the NDepend baseline.

deploy the ndepend plugin to TFS

NDepend Custom Activities

The assemblies NDepend.TFS20XX.Activities.dll comes with several custom TFS build process activities. These activities are used by the NDepend build template.

The architecture of multiple custom activities chained, will let you customize your own Build template usage of NDepend analysis results.

ndepend tfs integration build template architecture

Customize the Build Template

To visualize or edit a Build template, first consult the reference document Customize your build process template. Then follow this steps:

  • Open Visual Studio (version same as the template, like VS2013 for NDepend_TfvcTemplate.12.EN.xaml) and create a new Activity Library Project. You can choose C# or VB.NET. ndepend tfs integration customize build template
  • Add the template Tfvc or Git file to the project. These two template files can be found in $NDependInstallationDirectory$\Integration\TFS\TFS20XX.
  • Change the template file properties Build Action to None. ndepend template build action
  • Add references to NDepend.API.dll from $NDependInstallationDirectory$\Lib, and to NDepend.TFS20XX.Activities.dll and NDepend.TFS20XX.Activities.Design.dll from $NDependInstallationDirectory$\Integration\TFS\TFS20XX.

    ndepend template edition

  • If you are referencing the Git template, since TFS2013 Update 4, you need to also reference LibGit2Sharp.dll that can be found in %VisualStudio_Install_Path%\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer\LibGit2Sharp.dll.

Now, let's focus on some non-trivial details of the NDepend activities.

The $(BinariesDirectory)

A TFS convention is that assemblies built by the TFS build process are output to the $(BinariesDirectory). If we look into the parent activity Get assemblies to analyze, we can see that paths to assemblies to analyze, referenced by the NDepend project, are overridden. This way the NDepend analysis will attempt to find assemblies to analyze in the $(BinariesDirectory).

Note: To allow NDepend to load you assemblies from a directory other than the root of the binaries folder on the build agent, you will need to customize this section.

The way assemblies are resolved can be customized to your need by modifying steps previous Override application assemblies.

override application assemblies

Deal with Code coverage files

The NDepend project file typically referenced one or several code coverage files to import at analysis time. This way NDepend is aware of code coverage ratio for each code elements. In a TFS build process, code coverage files can be generated, prior running the NDepend analysis activities.

To make easier to import these code coverage files, the activity ImportCoverageFilesFromDir (in the template box Import code coverage files) has a parameter named CoverageFilesDir whose value is set per default to:

System.IO.Path.Combine(BinariesDirectory, "CoverageFiles")
This way your build process just have to copy all coverage files to import in this directory, no matter the coverage technology and the coverage file names.

The coverage files found in the coverage directories will come in addition to coverage files already referenced by the NDepend project (if any).

Log Trend Metrics

Trend metrics can be logged during each build. To do so, just assign the value true to the field Compute Trend Metrics in the Build Process definition. If this value is set to true in the template box If trend metrics must be computed override trend metrics directory in ndproj the directory where trend metrics are stored in the NDepend project is overridden with the default value:

System.IO.Path.Combine(nd_buildDetail.DropLocationRoot, nd_buildDetail.BuildDefinition.Name, ND_TRENDMETRICS_DIRNAME)
If you change this default directory, make sure to not specify a directory inside any Build drop location (else it will be removed once the Build is removed).

Notice that the value specified in the NDepend project concerning log recurrence (like log at most once a day) is not taken account. Trend metrics are logged every time the NDepend activities Log trend metrics is executed.

ndepend tfs integration log trend metrics

Build Summary and Logs

The NDepend TFS plugin adds up a section in the summary of the TFS Build. There you'll find key metrics, errors and warnings, and also a link to the NDepend report.

ndepend tfs integration build summary logs

If you click View Log you'll see Build logs. The NDepend TFS plugin appends many logs that detail activities sequential execution details. These logs should help you solve most issues.

ndepend tfs integration logs

Web Access Extension

A TFS Web Access extension can be installed to decorate builds listed with a link to the NDepend report.

ndepend tfs integration web access extension

To install this extension, navigate to the TFS Web Access site in your browser. For instance: http://YOURSERVERNAME:8080/tfs. Then click the gear icon to go to settings.

ndepend tfs integration web access extension settings

In the Control panel, select the Extensions tab and choose Install. Browse $NDependInstallationDirectory$\Integration\TFS\ Click OK to upload and install the extension. Don't unzip the file.

ndepend tfs integration web access extension zip

Click the Enable button next to the NDepend TFS Extension extension. Then click OK in the dialog prompting you to grant access to the extension.

ndepend tfs integration enable web access extension


  • Make sure to use the option Build Defaults > copy build output to specified drop folder (UNC path). (see section Integrate the NDepend analysis into your TFS Build Definition).
  • Some browser might not let you easily open a link that points toward an UNC path. Typically when the NDepend report is shown through a URN path, Firefox has problems resolving the NDepend report relative paths to images, to URN paths (Chrome, IE and Edge don't have this problem). You can find various workaround to this situation on the web. You can also still right-click the link and select Copy Link Location and then paste it to the Location Bar.